Cat # SY-052
Manual & Protocol | Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
The ability to isolate synaptosomes from neuronal tissues/cultured cells is essential for understanding the mechanisms of neurological diseases. Contained in synaptosomes are synaptic vesicles with diameters of 80-200 nm that play an important role in signal transmission. Traditionally, synaptosomes are isolated by density ultracentrifugation. The procedure is relatively tedious and time-consuming. A larger amount of starting material is usually required. MinuteTM synaptosome isolation kit provides a simple and rapid method for isolating synaptosomes from fresh/frozen neuronal tissues/cultured cells. The protocol can be completed in less than 1 h without using Dounce homogenizer and ultracentrifugation. The amount of starting material required (10-50 mg tissue) is only a fraction of that required by the traditional method. The buffers used are detergent-free and synaptosome associated proteins are isolated in native form.
Fig.1. Isolation of Synaptosomes from Fresh Mouse Cortex.
A, Ponceau S-stained blot. B, Western blot. Lane 1. Total tissue lysate;
Lane 2. Cytosolic fraction; Lane 3. Synaptosome fraction. Synaptosome
marker antibodies (GluN2B and Glu A2/A3/A4) are from Cell Signaling.
Kit Component:
Gu, J., Ke, P., Guo, H., Liu, J., Liu, Y., Tian, X., ... & Xiao, F. (2023). KCTD13-mediated ubiquitination and degradation of GluN1 regulates excitatory synaptic transmission and seizure susceptibility. Cell Death & Differentiation, 1-16.
Zong R, Zhang X, Dong X, Liu G, Zhang J,Gao Y, Zhang Z, Ma Y, Gao H and Gamper N (2024) Genetic deletion of zinc transporter ZnT3 induces progressive cognitive deficits in mice by impairing dendritic spine plasticity and glucose metabolism. Front. Mol. Neurosci. 17:1375925. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2024.1375925
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