Cat#: PR-048
Manual & Protocol | MSDS
Isolation and enrichment of plant endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are essential for elucidating ER-related cellular functions. The traditional method for ER isolation is tedious and time-consuming. In animal cells, ER is closely associated with microtubules, and Golgi apparatus are clustered at microtubule organizing center. The ER is associated with actin microfilaments in plant cells, and no microtubule organizing center is found near the nuclei. Due to the structural characteristics of plan ER, it is much more challenging to isolate/enrich plant ER than animal samples. Minute™ plant ER enrichment kit was specially designed for plants. One to three-fold enrichment of ER fraction can be obtained from plant leave samples in about 1 hour. The enriched ER is essentially free from Golgi apparatus contamination. The enriched ER fraction can be used in plant protein trafficking studies.
A. Ponceau S Stained Blot; B. Western blot with Anti-ER marker antibody (BIP2, Agrisera, Vannas, Sweden. AS 09481). Lanes 1&2: B. napus; Lanes 3&4: N. tabacum; Lanes 5&6: A. thaliana. Lanes 1, 3 & 5: Total Protein; Lanes 2, 4 & 6: ER fractions.
Kit Components:
Minute™ Plasma Membrane/Protein Isolation and Cell Fractionation Kit (50 Preps)
Minute™ Lysosome Isolation Kit for Mammalian Cells/Tissues (20 Preps)
Minute™ Endosome Isolation and Cell Fractionation Kit (20 Preps)
Minute™ ER Enrichment Kit (20 Preps)
Minute™ Cytosolic and Nuclear Extraction Kit for Frozen/Fresh Tissues (20 Preps)